

Now this might be hard to believe, but bare with me, stretch your imagination and have a little faith.
Are you ready?
It is snowing here, loads and buckets of the white stuff, rumor is this is happening all around the country. I can tell you now that I am quite shocked at this rare and strange occurrence and you can bet I will be praying for sun melting rays tomorrow.
God bless and keep warm in this a time of winter:p

This post is not meant to be read by anyone who reads the New York Times, as after all I would not want you to actually believe me:)


P.S Snow-cream and Hot Cocoa to be served in the library shortly, expect to see you all there;)


To sit and Think

You know those movies, set in olden, rusty times when people sat very still and just thought? Well that is because they didn’t have the Internet, I know because I don’t have the Internet and every now and again I sit and just think. I think mostly philosophical thoughts, I wonder alot and I want to know just about everything, sometimes this is not good, this can be very bad actually. I realize after I figure out whatever I was dying to know that I was better off not knowing it.
I like to do math, now I know, I know I have vowed a pure and devout hatred for math, but that applies to certain kinds of math, specifically the math I don’t know and people want me to learn. But math can be comforting, it is logical and there is always an answer and you know how I love answers:)

I am bored easily and this being a really cold, cold winter and us living for the most part in our living room without the Internet or TV, well I write alot, read some and mostly just think, I have been practicing meditating (anything to stave off the boredom!) and I am getting quite good, especially as I am trying to meditate in a room with toddlers practicing for bit parts in cheap horror flicks.

So lets see what else is new….hmm…
Oh I have it!

Felicity got married! to a kid named Jarrett, the ceremony was held on the playground at school on Friday.
Joff is not happy.

It is cold here, -18 degrees last night. I dreamt of summer. I usually dream of winter come summer so its all good.

A wish for joy and happiness to you, especially on your darkest days:)


Think Happy Thoughts

So I have been hanging out at the Atwaters today being anti-social and trying to catch up on Internet life, which I know isn’t spectacular but hey its a life:)
I have been attaching stuff to the blog that used to be here before the whole I need a new layout so I can feel fulfilled happened, I had alot of junk on here, I love my junk:P

I have been on the Internet for a long time now, I feel guilty and happy and guilty I need to get off, I can’t though! There is so much more to read, research and download, its not all play you know:)

I am hoping to be online again by March and then I can go back to moderation, for now I have to take my Internet in binges and hasty gulps (its dinnertime, food talk is bound to happen).

gotta go.


"Waves Hi"

Here I am dashing out the door, but I had to come by and say hullo to my dear old blog, I have been cheating on you dear thing, I have been writing on paper, with a pen. A red pen and a orange pen and sometimes a purple pen.
I love to write.
Writing, driving and running water (hopefully in the form of a hot shower) are my favorite ways to relax.

Caleb got his hair buzzed today, he is always stuffing food into the nest that was and I was always trying to wash it out. And being a able to look down at my darling son and finding tucked amongst his blond curls the cookie I set down yesterday was a bit more then I could take. He looks like Charlie Brown, Elli says his head is “naked”. Everett says he hates it and I better not cut his. Elli says Ev’s shouldn’t talk to “her boy” like that. Alice says it is cute and funny, Felicity says “whatever”, Katie- “no comment” and Joff is heartbroken.
Me? I am supremely Happy🙂

It was so very warm yesterday, a balmy 25-30 degree’s, that I didn’t were my coat all day because I was warm. Sad huh? I love it though. I went walking through the woods yesterday, winter has a certain absolute silence to it that is so very peaceful. I could hear the crunch of the snow, dripping ice and the occasional bird chirping away, as happy as I that she could spread her wings and bask in the sun which we both have been missing ever so much:)



No One Should Ever

No one should ever have to hide in the bathroom because there one and two year old children plotting to take over the world and you are in fear of your life for knowing too much.

No one should ever drink out of there cup if the toddler just dumped a handful of soggy spaghetti in it, unless of course you didn’t know it was there.

No one should ever, ever accidentally doze off when your kid has an ice-cream cone in hand.

No one should ever think that tortillas and chocolate syrup don’t play well together,because I assure they do.

No one should ever leave a heater vent open and the bag of dog food on the lower shelf.

No one should keep any food at all in the house when there are monkey’s in residence.

No one should ever wake up on Thursday mornings when the day and children have already plotted against you and there isn’t any hope of a counter-attack.



You won’t believe this.

I was just home, sweeping my floors and doing laundry when I remembered Evs had to come down to Grandma School and that I would get to use the Internet (Heavenly Hosts Sing) and then I realized I was Annoyed, yes annoyed at having to stop what I was doing and take my son to Grandma School and Waste and hour and a half on the Net!
It didn’t last, here I am happily posting away and pshhha on the laundry!

Katie is getting baptised on the 17th. I am so excited for her and proud that she has made the choice to be baptised.

Adam(nephew) and Laura (niece) are here to watch our kids when we go apply for jobs as Census takers, I haven’t seen much of Laura, her and Felicity who is home sick (cough,cough;) have been playing happily in the bedroom all morning. Laura is Felicity’s Idol.
Adam is a riot ( I say riot, because I can’t spell hilarious) He is a great kid and fantastic with little ones. He also likes Bleu Cheese and Primates. He wants to adopt one of my fur-babies but I doubt his mom would be very happy if I let him do that.

It is windy and cold here, plenty of snow and icicles hanging all about. It is wonderful to curl up with a good book and some chocolate and dream of spring.

As poetic as that was I have to confess I am not in love with the Spring, it tends to be wet, muddy and brown. I love the summer, I love running around barefoot and grilling hot-dogs, country fairs and swimming in the ocean. I adore the Fourth of July. And best of all my Birthday is in the Summer!
The fall is my absolute favorite and I really don’t mind the winter when I have a warm home to hole up in.

Caleb is now telling everyone NO! And Elli is the worlds best mimic. Evs is a Pirate, T-Rex, Shark, Samurai Jack and occasionally a cat, horse or dog. Alice is reading the Magic Tree house series and loves to read other books to her younger siblings. Katie loves word-searches and crossword puzzles and still plays with stuffed animals. Felicity is loving Kindergarten and waits anxiously for Laura visits:)

That will have to do for a while. My time is up.




I am NOT:

I Am:

I am NOT:

I am what I am.

I Cannot Stand:
Speaking in Public
Cruelty to Animals

I contradict myself

I Am:

I am ME.

I Believe In:
Everyone, no matter who they are or how much they tick me off.

This is who I am. Even if it doesn’t make sense:)
Love to you all