Birthday · Kids · Picture Post · Random

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.

I am so very blessed to have such a wonderful group of family and friends. Thankyou. Thankyou. I love you and I appreciate more than you can ever know your love and support, your encouragement and your prayers.  ♥Thankyou♥.

Haven’t done her birthday pictures yet (bad photographer mommy!). Lolly had a great seventh birthday and I quote ” Laura, isn’t this the bestest day EVER!”

Felicity is my Pinkie Pie, she is cheerful and loving. I sometimes wonder how quickly they grow up, but with Felicity I am not worried, if there were any dark clouds in her life she would simply throw a party and celebrate something new. I love my baby girl and I pray she remains forever hopeful. Happy (very belated) birthday Lolly-pop.

Morning sickness continues to be a morning, noon and night event. It is not all that bad, at least I am not living in the bathroom as so many woman have a tendency to do for the first three to nine months of pregnancy.

Lots more to cover, but if I don’t I can go to bed, you really don’t think I would rather stay up and do laundry then sleep do you?



Kids · Natalie

Exciting News!

We are expecting.

As in having a baby:D.


I was so unsure about posting this, about sharing with anyone at all, I am just barely pregnant (5 weeks) and there are so many different things that can happen. After Natalie I  was pretty sure that sharing the news after the baby was born would be the best idea. But as I was praying about it yesterday, I knew that I had to share it, that one of the most beautiful lessons Natalie taught me was to enjoy every minute I have with my children. And so I am sharing this now because I want every moment I have with this child to be one of happiness and excitement, I want everyone I know to be happy and excited for this child also.

I am trying so hard to not be afraid, to trust in the Lord.

When I found out, I was at first so unsure, for just a moment I remembered holding Natalie and the pain of losing her came back in waves.

All the uncertainty and questions I have been asking of the Lord since I lost Natalie have not gone away and this child will never replace her, but there is a certain peace in knowing that at least some of my prayers have been answered, if in a slightly unexpected way!

So I am excited and very, very tired:P. In the last several months I forgot how exhausting life is when you are pregnant, or the slight nausea, oh and the headaches! I do not seem to mind it so much though, funny how a different attitude can affect how you take life.

I feel very blessed.


Animals · Kids

Hamster Day!

Today is the long-awaited day of the hamster, I will hopefully be posting pictures tomorrow, we made it to the pet store and Felicity quickly decided on the fattest, most adorable little girl hamster available. We loaded up with everything a hamster could possibly want to live a happy and chubby  life, including a large glass aquarium versus a cage, given that we have three rodent eating  cats and a dog  that would not hesitate to pass up such a yummy (and chubby) snack, we felt it would be much safer!

 Not handling the hamster for the next little while is already proving to be difficult, but we have discussed at length the proper care and feeding of hamsters.

We had so much fun with Lolly today and I am so glad that she is determined to be a responsible pet owner ( her words:)).

Oh yes, she name the hamster “The fuzz” and she will also occasionally be called “The precious fuzz” 😀


Kids · Picture Post · Random

Picture post catch up

Meet Truffles, our new pet. I have sworn a solemn vow that we will NOT eat her.

Here she is looking fondly down at the lovely dirt she loves to snuffle around in, she has already turned the animal pen into a mud pit, the ducks of course are loving the pond she created them, much better they say then that old blue pool. What, I wish to know, is so wonderful about mud?Wolf checking out his new charge, another critter to round-up, fun!Shhhhhh, sleeping kitty…….Our first snow storm and it was BEAUTIFULSis.A was in a really bad car accident on Friday, she is going to be okay but she got pretty banged up and unfortunately the car was totaled. There was no other vehicles involved.

We almost canceled our family Halloween party but grandma insisted, here are all the children, dressed up and ready for trunk or treat!The kidlets,  Katie and Alice where witches, Felicity was a vampire, Everett was a samurai warrior, Elli was a pirate princess and Caleb was a skeleton.

I was/am  a desparate housewife:P.Cindi made the most divine crescents ever, literally melt in your mouth heaven.Patty made these mummy calzones, frankly I am jealous, I have never been able to make anything that actually looks better than the picture  in the cookbook. Patty is clever.  AND to top it all off they were delicouis.My adorable skeleton, he wore this costume for three days!It has been crazy weekend and I am suprised, startled and a little flustered that Christmas is literally right around the corner, this year is just flying by!
