

Once upon a time mornings were really hard for me.

Now mornings are an opportunity for me to Begin. An opportunity to sit in the moment and decide.

I have good days and bad days but my worst days are the ones I don’t start right.

This morning the sun was shining, so I positioned my yoga mat near the window and raised my face to that glorious star. I breathed in and out.

I prayed.

I sat and sipped a cup of tea, peppermint to get me going.

I pulled my bullet journal out and doodled, I planned, I poured out my fears and anxieties. I reflected on all the many wonderful things in my life. Like a cup of tea in the sunshine. Electricity. A hot shower.

Life is so noisy, even here under quarantine, finding a moment of silence is a gift, and that gift is granted every morning.

I love to sit in the mornings and sift through the soft sounds of the morning. Cats padding around the house, the dog chuffing her way through a dream, children stirring, birds up in the trees about their business, the hum of life.

I don’t cope with changes as gracefully as I should, the constant of a morning ritual gives me balance when life around me starts to wobble. And I am grateful for it. A chance to focus on what gives me purpose and direction. An opportunity to decide. And a few moments of peace.



Picture Post


I am craving sunshine.

Not the cold sunshine of March.

Not the windy days of March that burn my cheeks and twist my hair.

Not the brown-gray of early spring, like some freshly hatched chick. Ugly with not even the barest hint of the beauty to come.

I am craving sunshine.

The smell of fresh-cut grass that is a deep emerald green.

The strong breeze that lifts the heat from my skin with gentle relief.

I want to bathe in sunlight, soak in the heat. Let it burn away the winter and all my cares.

I am craving sunshine.P1240001_edited




Story Time

Confessions from a girl with a weak bladder

The title is your only warning.

Apparently some people have legit phobias of public restrooms, I feel for them I really do because some of us can’t afford to have those sorts of phobias. Not without going all in and embracing the diaper life.

I started this confession at the tender age of 17, but it goes much farther than that. My first memory of public bathroom humiliation came much earlier. How old was I? 9? Possibly 8. But the sisters were going to Branson and I wanted to go, I wanted to be part of the group. Only after lunch, my stomach rebelled. And public toilets apparently were taking the day off in Arkansas. So there I was in need of new clothes and definitely old enough to be utterly humiliated. I got a sweet new unicorn shirt out of it though so that was the first and sadly last time I benefited from having terrible bladder control.

Let’s go back to 17.

Here is the story. The one. I like to think they don’t get better or, worse, but they do. This remains my favorite and one of the few I can publicly tell.

I was 17 and sitting in the passenger seat of my husband’s car. We were deep in the wilds of Washington County Maine. I was roughly 10 months pregnant and happily chatting nonsense. 17-year-olds chat a lot of nonsense. So do 36-year-olds.

Anyway. The Demon I was gestating kicked me full force in the bladder, think Jackie Chan on steroids, and that was that. I needed to pee like I had never needed to pee in my life. And we were in the middle of freaking NOWHERE. The obvious answer to me now would be, pull over, pee in a ditch. Move on with my life. Nope. I still had standards then. I wasn’t peeing in a ditch. I was better than that. So Joff began to desperately look for a gas station, a house, a construction site with a porta-potty.

Those were terrible times. I died and came back to excruciating life again and again.

And then.

There it was.

The miracle I had fervently prayed for and offered up my firstborn too (she was a demon martial arts expert after all).

An ancient gas station, with a long deck filled with ancient crones and geezers rocking away in their rocking chairs, jaws working dentures in wrinkled mouths, eyes sharp and suspicious. But also. A restroom. An old-timey outhouse.

I had loosened my sweats in some absurd play for relief.

So I was ready.

I leaped from the slowing car. imagine it in slow motion. Go ahead. I’ll wait.

And I landed, but not on my feet, no I rolled the few inches to the deck of rocking octogenarians pants around my ankles, thong hiding nothing.

Stumbling to my feet with all the grace of a newborn giraffe, I held my sweat pants up and jerked my chin to the restroom and one, the leader, said “yup”. I hobbled. It was too late, but I hobbled anyway.

And once the door was fixed they erupted. Cackling and howling and slapping their knees.  I almost decided to fix up the outhouse, evict the spiders, put up curtains. NEVER LEAVE EVER.

But my husband came and told me there was no way the two of us could fit in there and my midwife wouldn’t make (out)house calls to the middle of nowhere. So I had to leave.

And I did.

Pants ruined, pride gone, all covered in dirt.

But at least I could breathe again.

The new sweats and tee-shirt I got were national guard hand me downs from my husband.

I learned a valuable lesson that day.

The ditch is the best place for an emergency pee.

Unless there is a critter in the way, but thats a story for another day.




Everyday · Picture Post

Taking it slow

Quite frankly I am not always fond of Januarys. It is nothing personal, it’s just that everything is on challenge mode in January.

Surprisingly this January is flying past. And even more surprisingly it has been a good month! (Probably in part due to the fact I am taking a well-deserved break from college.)

Around four o’clock in the afternoon the other day I was going around the house, closing curtains against the coming night, a night that promised below zero temperatures. I stood at one of the windows for a moment and saw my childrens trampoline, forgotten and neglected, there was about six inches of snow piled on top and it was very lightly snowing, a cold gray moment devoid of sound or life. It was serene and haunting, a reminder of sunny days bursting with noise and color. I was in that moment profoundly grateful for winter. For that quiet moment, for the opportunity to press my forehead to the cool glass and breathe in the rest that winter provides. In the warm sun basking months we hurry from here to there, trying to cram in and squeeze out every drop of summer, it is frantic and hectic and wonderful, but often so very exhausting. Thankfully we have winters to pull back, to examine, to plan, and most importantly, to rest.P1250197_edited


Aging is an extraordinary process where you become the person you should always have been. – David Bowie


When I was very little I remember watching a couple of white-haired old ladies singing and dancing as though they were so many years younger than they actually were. And of course, in my childish way, I asked if maybe they were being a bit silly for their age. One of them replied that, to me, she was old and frail, but to her, on the inside, she felt young and every bit as silly as I was accusing her of being.
I didn’ understand, how could I? I looked in the mirror and saw my youth, my body had not yet begun to die around me.

I turned 36 on Sunday. And it was a strange day, one of acknowledgment. I am not old certainly, and yet I am not young either. My body HAS started to die around me and my soul cannot comprehend the limitations that are beginning to show up like hairline cracks on glass. Someday I will shatter, I know that now.
But my being, what makes me, me, is still there. That little girl who wonders at the audacity of elderly people dancing with abandon is still there and she thinks that if she looked in the mirror she would see the bright, shining youth of not so many years ago.

I am so deeply grateful to be 36 though. Someone jokingly asked if this was my 29th birthday, wink, wink. And of course I laughed along, but really I am happy to be 36, I will be happy to be 37 next year. Every single year of my life has taught me something so valuable I cannot imagine going backward and losing that precious knowledge, no matter how hard it was to obtain. I have been blessed to have people come in and out of my life who have shared with me, often without even knowing that they were doing so, so much deep wisdom. I have had people in my life who have been dark, and full of things that are sorrow and despair, and they have taught me. I have been blessed to have people who brought me so much light and joy and they have taught me. I have learned that appearances can be deceiving. No one is what their exterior package presents. No one.

Just like those beautiful white-haired women who embraced their lives with a strength that was not physically seen.

And I am profoundly grateful to have been taught by them.



I am a zombie. Call me patient zero

Finals week is a marathon. Toss in an A-bomb of a migraine and you can well imagine the hell that I have been in. Naw. Hell would be preferable, I am certain of it.

But then I woke up on Tuesday expecting an exam to be posted. I was drugged, lethargic, miserable, the remnants of my migraine beating ominously in the back of my head. How was I supposed to survive it? I just wanted to go back to bed. I propped open my laptop and beheld a vision from God.

Surprise! No Exam! Happy Finals!

I wept. I forgave the professor for saying “Happy finals” (anyone else I would have happily stabbed), and I went back to bed.

One last assignment is now due.  Then I am FREE!!!!

In preparation of my newfound freedom I decided to download the EMP apocalypse book that I found for free on Facebook, some ad. Which by the way is way creepy, I have read EMP end of the world books before, I borrowed them from the library and no googling was done. HOW did Facebook know? Facebook is beginning to scare me you guys. Seriously. Only it can’t be entirely all-knowing.

Overjoyed that I clicked the ad for a free EMP book it has begun showing me TONS more, only these are kinky sex novels, one girl, three dragon princes and all the naughty stuff that can happen in that scenario type books. How do we go from EMP doomsday to Erotica? There was one about a military dude and a bunker. And the presidents daughter……that is a leap that is sorta understandable at least.

I don’t read the erotica genre, not my schtick, but I have found a great amount of joy reading the reviews.

Come to think of it, clicking on the reviews is probably what is encouraging Facebook.

To Do List

  • Finish last paper (BLEGH)
  • Google weird stuff and see what ads pop up on Facebook
  • Pop a couple of Tylenol
  • Read a book
  • Wish I wish on a beach
  • Do something about the dirty dishes in the sink
  • Or…. buy new dishes
Birthday · Everyday · Picture Post · Random

What do mummies like listening too?

Wrap music! hahaha.

Doesn’t everyone choose to blog instead of writing an essay that is due in four hours? Its only five pages, I am not a newbie, that’s like nothing. (Scoffs). Every good student has the gift of blarney.

This week has been havoc. This whole month has been havoc. My teacher mom hat has been a tad dusty, my make yummy dinners and converse around the table in a loving manner hat is lost, probably in the mountain of laundry that has consumed my bathroom.  We have been sick, had family over at grandmas visiting, Joff off work long enough to try and whip us into some sort of getting the house ready for winter army. Hahahaha, poor man.

And then we made the mistake of taking my treasured Fisher woodstove out and replacing it with a newfangled reburning EPA approved pretty stove. That does not heat my house the same at all. So now I am colder then I was hoping, but at least I can see the fire burn and it looks nice (?) aesthetics over function I say.  Bonus, I did something quite terrible to my back helping lug around 500lb wood stoves. Go Me!

Felicity chilling with Prowler and Bella. Poor Prowler is always insulted by the presence of the dog.


My Elli turned 12! Someone is seriously messing with time, I can’t believe that sweet baby is no longer…well…a baby.  She is smart, kind, helpful, has a fabulous sense of humor and a beautiful singing voice. I am dazzled by her every single day.

Twin month pics happened on a cold and blustery afternoon right after church, but these two are my heart and soul.


We have been having the craziest weather, snow, thunderstorms, gusting winds, buckets of rain, more snow. It is too early in the year for this nonsense. The other day it was snowing hard and I just wanted to put up the Christmas tree and sing carols. I do not approve of snow in October. (But it IS terribly pretty ❤ ).

Back the grindstone.


Holiday · Kids

Halloween Mayhem

Joff called me from work this morning. He was kicking around a spooky old warehouse BY HIMSELF and was scared just wanted to chat with his wife.

I confessed to him that I have a people induced headache.

Here is the thing, I WUVS everyone, I hate it when people don’t get along. I enjoy a good drama showdown…..from a distance. It’s my telly because I don’t have time for Days of Our Lives.  But mostly my philosophy is to stay away. Because it is usually people I like fighting with other people I like. Because I like everyone. Peace, Love and Harmony Dudes.

Now I take exception when my kids are involved. Then, oh yes, then my conflict avoidance and anxiety-riddled soul dons armor and prepares for a death match.

And now my kids are involved, and I am involved, people I like are on both sides of the line. And it is all so stupid it makes your head spin.

Like, you wanna fight? We can fight if we HAVE too, but let’s make it about something serious and not stupid Halloween.  If I am going to cage match someone who gave me cookies last week she had better have beheaded a puppy.

That is legitimate how I feel, sure I wish we could go all spookfest and give the kiddies a proper fright, but if it doesn’t happen…..whatevs.

But NOOOO I can’t chill out about it because my kids have been shut down and so I have to wade in and defend my children’s right because it was their gig in the first place and they are kids and I guess adults don’t feel like they have to listen to teens for some reason, they can just wade in and tell them everything they love is somehow wrong and/or possibly evil. And they should change it to something cheerful and happy because cheerful and happy just SCREAMS Halloween. And this is for sure a Halloween party. Heaven forbid a toddler tosses a hoop over a witches hat or makes a ghost puppet because they might end up scarred for life and we can’t have kids learning to face fears in a reasonable and healthy manner. Because that would make sense…..and nothing makes sense anymore.

Of course, most of this would go way better if people just talked to each other instead of about each other. So much can be lost in translation of he said she said.

I need an aspirin.

My Life Philosophy folks.  K~




Everyday · Picture Post

The Annual Check In

Not really annual because I think I posted early this year. Also I have been posting all year, except I haven’t.

Say What?

So I have been feeling pretty vulnerable lately, like what I write is somehow me stepping out of my hermit cave, giving myself life on this blog is all of a sudden difficult. Hard.

But I have been pushing myself a lot lately, because if I didn’t push I am fairly certain I would really and truly become a hermit. My professor asked what our dream vacation was as part of our first week introductions, my reply was, first, not being able to answer that question or any other personal questions EVER AGAIN. Thanks. But I didn’t really say it, I definitely thought it. No my legit answer was the outback of Maine. The County. A fly in or walk in only destination, No one but me (and my husband because I am scared of the dark, and he is am A+ holder of me when I am scared, which incidentally is a lot).

So pushing myself. One of those things is this blog, I have been writing a ton, I just never hit the submit button. Working on it. Working on it.

SO this year I am in my fourth semester of part time college. Part time because I still have eight kids (like that would have changed since the last time posted?).  I still homeschool. I still need time to snuggle cats, sip hot herbal tea, and watch people being murdered in sleepy little English towns. I had to give up the knitting, the everyday photography projects, and watching people get murdered in rowdy suburban American neighborhoods.  I had to reprioritize. College is important because it helps keep me out of the closet, hiding from people.

Did y’all  know that I have anxiety?

We had an EPIC summer. We had a few adventures, but mostly went utterly feral. We slept in, watched tv in the mornings, read whenever we wanted, played outside all day, stayed up all night. I threw the rules out the window, all except for my favorite. Be KIND.

That’s it.

Now its over. And I am HEARTBROKEN! But it is good to be back on schedule too. Joff has been working hard all year, now he is set to take two weeks off of work so we can get some stuff done on the house, like……FLOORS! Finish floors for our downstairs!!!!! OH MY GOSH I AM SO EXCITED! We decided on tile for all of the downstairs except for the living room and the master bedroom. I have some pretty grey laminate for those rooms.

I need to post some house pictures…..sooooooon.

That’s all for now. I am really, seriously going to hit the publish button this time.




Picture Post · Random

Question Everything February

My laptop broke. It broke, broke. Dead. Never going to turn on again. That happened back in…..December? It was a while ago. Anyway, I have felt bereft and sad over it. I don’t like borrowing Joffs because he has his set up all wrong, although he thinks its right, its not. But I have to use it sometimes because School, ugh though.

Anyway, the deep question that drove me to blog today.

How do you know when something is right? When making a decision, how do you know when you are making the right choice? Is it even possible to make a rational, logical decision?

February is full of decisions, lots going on. Trying to decide what I want to do with my life….I will be an old lady in six months, I am feeling the need to decide what I am going to be when I grow. Or should I grow up?

I am a queen procrastinator, I probably will still be deciding as I draw my last breath……

Cat/Baby Tax