

Once upon a time mornings were really hard for me.

Now mornings are an opportunity for me to Begin. An opportunity to sit in the moment and decide.

I have good days and bad days but my worst days are the ones I don’t start right.

This morning the sun was shining, so I positioned my yoga mat near the window and raised my face to that glorious star. I breathed in and out.

I prayed.

I sat and sipped a cup of tea, peppermint to get me going.

I pulled my bullet journal out and doodled, I planned, I poured out my fears and anxieties. I reflected on all the many wonderful things in my life. Like a cup of tea in the sunshine. Electricity. A hot shower.

Life is so noisy, even here under quarantine, finding a moment of silence is a gift, and that gift is granted every morning.

I love to sit in the mornings and sift through the soft sounds of the morning. Cats padding around the house, the dog chuffing her way through a dream, children stirring, birds up in the trees about their business, the hum of life.

I don’t cope with changes as gracefully as I should, the constant of a morning ritual gives me balance when life around me starts to wobble. And I am grateful for it. A chance to focus on what gives me purpose and direction. An opportunity to decide. And a few moments of peace.




Aging is an extraordinary process where you become the person you should always have been. – David Bowie


When I was very little I remember watching a couple of white-haired old ladies singing and dancing as though they were so many years younger than they actually were. And of course, in my childish way, I asked if maybe they were being a bit silly for their age. One of them replied that, to me, she was old and frail, but to her, on the inside, she felt young and every bit as silly as I was accusing her of being.
I didn’ understand, how could I? I looked in the mirror and saw my youth, my body had not yet begun to die around me.

I turned 36 on Sunday. And it was a strange day, one of acknowledgment. I am not old certainly, and yet I am not young either. My body HAS started to die around me and my soul cannot comprehend the limitations that are beginning to show up like hairline cracks on glass. Someday I will shatter, I know that now.
But my being, what makes me, me, is still there. That little girl who wonders at the audacity of elderly people dancing with abandon is still there and she thinks that if she looked in the mirror she would see the bright, shining youth of not so many years ago.

I am so deeply grateful to be 36 though. Someone jokingly asked if this was my 29th birthday, wink, wink. And of course I laughed along, but really I am happy to be 36, I will be happy to be 37 next year. Every single year of my life has taught me something so valuable I cannot imagine going backward and losing that precious knowledge, no matter how hard it was to obtain. I have been blessed to have people come in and out of my life who have shared with me, often without even knowing that they were doing so, so much deep wisdom. I have had people in my life who have been dark, and full of things that are sorrow and despair, and they have taught me. I have been blessed to have people who brought me so much light and joy and they have taught me. I have learned that appearances can be deceiving. No one is what their exterior package presents. No one.

Just like those beautiful white-haired women who embraced their lives with a strength that was not physically seen.

And I am profoundly grateful to have been taught by them.


Good News · House · Kids · Picture Post · Uncategorized


The shell is completely finished. We have actually started the finish work in several parts of the house. Honestly I am so happy I could cry, it has been a long journey that at points had me wondering if I was going to live in a half finished house forever. Take this contrast, last winter I had my dining room in my living room, my family room was a drafty hall, the kids rooms were just sub floor so a lot of dust and what not fell through to the living room, we had a sixteen foot opening on one side of the house that was only covered by a large heavy tarp (surprisingly we did not freeze), and I had no kitchen. Literally, my stove and fridge were crammed into a hall behind the living room and we washed our dishes in the bathtub! It was fairly depressing to tell the truth, but we survived. This year we got the finish floors installed upstairs, moved the staircase (ya, we are crazy) built a brick alcove in the middle of the house for our woodstove (think Inglenook), finished the kitchen, and built the dining room! I have a fully functioning kitchen! And  a dining room! It is a wonderful, beautiful blessing. Our home is fully functioning and now we get to do the pretty and fun stuff. Hurray! We have a plan to have it completely finished by our 20th anniversary in 2020, I can actually see that happening, honestly I think we will be done before then. But I am pretty happy right now, I feel like I am living in a home instead of on a construction site for the first time since we started this crazy project. I will have to take pictures and share them next time.


Abby and Chantelle conducting a Halloween costume dry run / taken in the unfinished dining room


Animals · Everyday · Picture Post

The flu?

I am so tired! And I am hot, even though it is freezing, but if I take off my cozy robe I am freezing. And my head. Oh my head. I can’t think……I can’t afford to have the flu right now! Or whatever this is, I just can’t.

Aren’t my Guinea Hens adorable?

We have been  blessed with a mild October, and our woodstove is nearing installation. Hurray for cozy firesides, sitting around a warm  fire with the wind and snow blowing out of doors is one of my favorite aspects of winter, an opportunity to draw my family close.


We are nearing the end of twin month, Elli will be 11 on Saturday and I have yet to take pics of the two of them, life only gets busier it seems, but I am grateful for a full life, and a wonderful family.

Now to find a way to ward off the impending illness I feel is creeping up on me.

Bad flu, bad!





It is funny how much one remembers when someone close to your heart dies, as though in their leaving they open a gate,  a way to temper the aching, grieving beat, beat, beat of a heart still living.

Papa was words that have not been said, he was mythical, as perfect as a man can be. He was simply there, when I was a lost child without a father, he was a father, and in my world that was full of fathers and mothers but empty of love, he was love.

He healed wounds, he cried with me, taught me, counseled me, laughed with me, shared with me, listened to me.

He was Papa. And Papa is gone.

And he is happy, and healthy, and whole.

There is a family that is rejoicing in his return.

I was never going to be ready to say good bye. I still don’t know how.IMGP0180-001



Everyday · Kids · Picture Post · Uncategorized


Because I have nothing to do, certainly not school work, or homeschooling to tend to, or piles and piles of laundry, because dinner does not need to be made and because there are absolutely NO dirty dishes in the sink, I find myself here.

I have been drawn over the last couple of months, flirting with words, dancing with my thoughts, unsettled and uncertain. There is a change, a shift. These things make me antsy.

And so here I am.

With words, stuttering brain.

Well now.

It is so grey today, I rejoice though, I love cloudy days. The children are about, the husband is at work.

I have been contemplating time, how there are so many ways to measure it, in the growing stack of clothes to take to goodwill, they have grown out of 4T, and the boy is a 10-12T. I borrow my daughters shoes. There is space, ever-increasing, but the cupboards must be full at all times. Teens eat a lot.  They go away, and they don’t need me. I need them though. I got lost in the diaper aisle trying to figure out what to buy a friend, I held up onsies  and marveled at the tiny size, was my 16-year-old ever that small? My baby is skin and bones, she is long and lanky. She needs me……..to make her cookies and read her books. I can never let her grow older. I already know I have lost them all. And here we have another summer slipping into her red and golds. Another childhood summer lost.

I have so many more years, oh I know, I know. I have time……but I know longer assume  I have it all. I can see the change, I can feel the drift. And I relish every day, every single sweet day with these eight beautiful people who call me mother.

I am back, to record that my sons just biked down the drive swords in hand, my babies are playing dress up with stuffed lovies on the trampoline, my beautiful teens are listening to music and drawing……these are the things that make up a beautiful life.

My family are my all, and that perspective is what shapes my heart.P1100399.jpg




Peaches cries out, Mommy! As though she has not spent the day within five feet of me at all times. I had just gone to the restroom, gone all of five seconds. But she is thrilled to see me.

Reading her favorite stories and eating cherry tomatoes, seeds and juice dripping down her chin.

Counting everything 6,7,8,10. Again and again.

Bouncing, bouncing everywhere. My little bunny Foo-Foo.

Bobba Is code for a drink of anything, and Cocoa means food.

Singing. Dancing.

Again and again.

She is sunshine.

But then,

It is late and we curl up in bed, she counts her toes and we sing the ABC song until her eyes start to close. Finally. Finally she is asleep and the  exhaustion of having a two year old leech melts away. She is my drug, my tiny little human, my last, my baby.

I can’t wait to do it all again tomorrow.



Easter! Sugar Rush! CANNNNNDDDDYYYYYY!!!!!

I currently have one super sweet DSLR, one pretty awesome compact (camera),  two cell phones with cameras and two kindles with cameras. Coincidentally I have no Easter pictures.

Last night was a train wreck of one needy child after another so that by 6:30 this AM, when the children wanted to see if the bunny had hopped on by, I garbled a short consent and fell back asleep. I am fairly certain Joff didn’t even move.

By the time I did crawl out of bed, Abby was laying on the couch staring at a round chocolate egg with glazed over eyes and a sick look to her face.

By lunch the rest of the children where asking for greens. Soups. A peanut butter sandwich. Anything but sweets. Chantelle actually handed me her basket at point and told me she couldn’t even look at it anymore. Tilly is three.

Based on the baskets friends and family posted pictures of on social media, I would have said we where down right stingy with the candy this year.

So all in all a raging success:)

Happy Easter!

Oh hey, it was 15  degrees last night, and snowing today. What the freak is up with that? James and Mandy better get that guest room ready, I need some sunshine! I want to go on a hike! I hate mud! Lets just skip the mud and cold and go straight to warm weather. And by warm weather I am asking for anything above 35.


(Wrote this on Easter and I didn’t even bother to publish. Sigh. I need help.)

Everyday · Homeschool · Uncategorized

My morning thus far.

I went to bed last night at 2:30 am thinking I would wake up bright and early, scour my kitchen from top to bottom, shower, finish washing ALL of the laundry and finish prepping for school. Along with all the other brilliant things I normally do. I think/believe I was a bit delirious last night. I even left myself a note with a motivational quote, a note I read at 8:30 am while sipping Pepsi out of a fancy tea cup and listening to the cat hiss at me because I really do need that shower, and get this, I have children who expect things from me. Like food and stuff.

I normally make breakfast-y foods like yummy lumpy oatmeal and wonderful cinnamon pancakes for breakfast, but I was feeling wealthy last night and went out and bought cereal and milk. Waking up and not having to cook breakfast is like winning the lottery in my world.

So I didn’t have to cook, that I was nice, but I do have two toddlers who like to have their tushes changed and then I need to kick the kids off the TV and send them out to get some healthy, wholesome sunshine, I send one out with a promise, you play for two hours, (No Whining!) you can play one computer game. I read to the older kids and put some bread on to rise. And now it is nearing lunch.

I really should go shower.

It often happens that I can say that over and over all day, and still not find a moment to shower. Granted I could be bathing instead of typing but the baby has taken up running away from home and she is really fast.

We are on vacation. From school.

The problem I sometimes have with schooling my kids is the expectations, the expectations that I am failing somewhere along the line. If a teacher fails to teach or a student fails to learn in public school, the parent is not the one the lynch mobs go straight for, when you homeschool and your kid hesitates when asked by a complete stranger in the parking lot of Walmart, who was the 22nd Vice President of the US or where is Bhutan located? Well, kid better preform or I, the teacher/parent,  am in for the look of judgmental ire. I do not mind so much that my kind can’t recall who was the 22nd Vice Prezz, I mind that some busybody who really doesn’t know the answer to her/his question is calling my kid out in public.

(Breathe, maybe I needed to vent a little?)

Levi P. Morton. 22nd Vice President of the US. Also the dude who accepted the statue of Liberty from the French. The French thought he was pretty special, I think it had something to do with his amazing beard skirt.

“Peachy, say cheese!”

P1150953This Angel and I are rarely separate.

Even now she sits on my lap, Tilly snuggling close. We are on the couch, watching Martha Speaks on the TV. Martha will tell you what it is all about it.

Martha, a cozy blanket and two snuggly babies.

It doesn’t get better then this.
