
I’ve got a secret…..

Lean in close…..



I don’t hate the winter, I don’t hate this winter……..shhhhhhh


It did not start out that way.

Not at all.

I won’t go into the hell that was this last winter, the daily fight, the seemingly never ending bitter cold…..no, I won’t.

Somewhere along the way, I looked out a window, I stared, mesmerized at the large white flakes, had I seen the snow before?

I shivered.

I could feel it, from the shelter if my home, I feel  the winter.

It was divine.

Let it go…..

I closed my eyes and shed the misery.

I dove into the cold.

Coming up for air, opening my eyes.

Safe from the driving wind and snow

Here in my home.

I no longer demand the heat of summer.

Once again, I am thankful for the winter.

Once again.

I am here

Feeling the bittersweet love of a lesson hard learned.




“Peachy, say cheese!”

P1150953This Angel and I are rarely separate.

Even now she sits on my lap, Tilly snuggling close. We are on the couch, watching Martha Speaks on the TV. Martha will tell you what it is all about it.

Martha, a cozy blanket and two snuggly babies.

It doesn’t get better then this.
