
I am a zombie. Call me patient zero

Finals week is a marathon. Toss in an A-bomb of a migraine and you can well imagine the hell that I have been in. Naw. Hell would be preferable, I am certain of it.

But then I woke up on Tuesday expecting an exam to be posted. I was drugged, lethargic, miserable, the remnants of my migraine beating ominously in the back of my head. How was I supposed to survive it? I just wanted to go back to bed. I propped open my laptop and beheld a vision from God.

Surprise! No Exam! Happy Finals!

I wept. I forgave the professor for saying “Happy finals” (anyone else I would have happily stabbed), and I went back to bed.

One last assignment is now due.  Then I am FREE!!!!

In preparation of my newfound freedom I decided to download the EMP apocalypse book that I found for free on Facebook, some ad. Which by the way is way creepy, I have read EMP end of the world books before, I borrowed them from the library and no googling was done. HOW did Facebook know? Facebook is beginning to scare me you guys. Seriously. Only it can’t be entirely all-knowing.

Overjoyed that I clicked the ad for a free EMP book it has begun showing me TONS more, only these are kinky sex novels, one girl, three dragon princes and all the naughty stuff that can happen in that scenario type books. How do we go from EMP doomsday to Erotica? There was one about a military dude and a bunker. And the presidents daughter……that is a leap that is sorta understandable at least.

I don’t read the erotica genre, not my schtick, but I have found a great amount of joy reading the reviews.

Come to think of it, clicking on the reviews is probably what is encouraging Facebook.

To Do List

  • Finish last paper (BLEGH)
  • Google weird stuff and see what ads pop up on Facebook
  • Pop a couple of Tylenol
  • Read a book
  • Wish I wish on a beach
  • Do something about the dirty dishes in the sink
  • Or…. buy new dishes

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